The Punjab Link Council (PLC) is a formally constituted community association functioning as a social enterprise, with a management board comprising of local prominent individuals, to provide legitimacy of operation in the area of fostering international links.
PLC Background:
In March 2005, a multi agency delegation comprising of City Councillors representing the Leicester City Council and other representatives of police, business, academia, East Midlands Airport, British Telecom and Faith organisations visited prominent cities in the state of Punjab, India.
As a result of that visit, links have been established with a number of high profile organisations who operate in broad terms to improve the socio-economic environment of Punjab through international co-operation.
The Punjab Link Council is an independent organisation representing the Punjabi community of Leicester and through its office; it seeks to promote mutual interests of civic, business, economic, academic, social, police, tourism, and cultural collaborations through productive partnerships between the wider community, including the Punjabi community and the state of Punjab and North India.
PLC Operational Objectives:
The strategic aims coincide with the PLC’s initial and intermediate objectives:
“To facilitate Trade & Economic, Civic & Academic, Cultural & Social and other Generic Links between Leicestershire, East Midlands (UK) & Punjab (INDIA)”.
This will be achieved through PLC’s negotiated programme of Interaction and Dialogue to promote stronger organisational partnerships between British and Indian civic, social, academic and entrepreneurial agencies and institutions.
Mission Statement:
PLC is committed to secure a greater understanding through intercultural exchange and trade delegations to promote economic resilience and social cohesion in its areas of work to the mutual benefits of plural communities and diverse partnerships. The CEO and the management board will work towards building alliances with other agencies in the region fostering links with India.
- Rationale: India has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. In the context of globalisation this has been seen as a challenge to the UK ie as evidenced by the number of outsourcing ventures currently established in India. However, it will also create significant opportunities within the UK, particularly as over 60% of all India’s external investment comes to the UK. Leicestershire and the East Midlands is well placed to take advantage of these opportunities to benefit the community and the local economy.
- Economy: This is the key strand of the PLC’s commercial enterprise initiative. To promote and bring inward investment into Leicestershire, East Midlands and strengthen business links and opportunities between the private sector in state of Punjab, North India and the East Midlands (UK).
- The Strategy: Key sectors will be targeted – Potential inward investors will be offered: location help and advice from relevant agencies; recruitment of local bilingual staff; links with University and Colleges with potential partnerships in research, development and recruitment; pre-investment contact with the Leicester, Leicestershire, East Midlands (UK) public and private sector business champions and also joint venture opportunity events.